In Action, Antiracism

Antiracist Work Group is hosted by Indivisible IL9 at 10am every Sunday.

Important note: This call starts on time.  No one will be admitted to the call after 10:05am.

Join call here before 10am CT → Google Meet link:

We are committed to examining the ways in which systemic racism affects us all. In this Antiracist Work Group, we acquire the tools to dismantle racism and use those tools to make a more just world.


  • Come on time: join the call before 10am. Call closes at 10:05am.
  • What is said here stays here, but what is learned here leaves here.
  • “Three before me” → If you have spoken, you allow three people to speak before you.
  • Lean in to discomfort; we challenge ourselves and each other in this space.
  • If/when we feel defensive, we agree to consult this document and determine if our discomfort is racially based: White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement
  • Do the reading to the best of our ability: How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi + other resources

This week’s agenda and all notes and resources may be found here

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