Votación Libre de Virus
3.8 Millones (45%) de los residentes de Illinois ya han votado.
1.83 (78%) ya han regresado sus boletas por correo.
Regístrese para votar o verifique su registración
Si Ud. no se ha registrado, no hay mejor momento que ahora. Si sí, Ud. cree que ya se ha registrado, es importante comprobar porque…
Cada año, se estima que más de 30 millones de estadounidenses se mudan de casa.
¡Es importantísimo que actualice la registración HOY! Si su nombre o firma ha cambiado desde la última vez que Ud. se registró para votar, también tiene que actualizar su registración.
Nivel de riesgo para registrarse: Ninguno
- Confirme su registración o regístrese para votar en este sitio- Junta Electoral del Estado de Illinois.
- Apúntese en Indivisible Illinois TurboVote y le mandaremos avisos para recordarle.
Haga Ud. un plan para votar
Asegurarse su derecho para votar se requiere un poco, especialmente este año. ¡Pero solo se toma unos minutos y puede asegurarse de que su voto cuenta!
Opción 1 – Votar por correo ya está ocurriendo. Todos los residentes de Illinois ya pueden aplicar para que les manden una votación a su casa o a la dirección de su elección—vivienda de la universidad, vivienda temporánea, P.O. Box, etc.
Votar por correo es más ventajoso que votar en persona por varias razones:
-Así, Ud. elimina los riesgos de hacer cola por mucho tiempo a una distancia de seis pies, no tiene que pedir tiempo del trabajo, no tiene que viajar a, o de, un lugar de votar, etc.
Aprenda más sobre votar por correo en Illinois abajo:
Nivel de riesgo de la votación por correo: bajo
- Devuelva su boleta por correo a una CAJA de entrega de boletas designada segura o su oficina electoral local si es posible. O utilice el franqueo correcto y devuélvalo temprano (esta semana) a través de USPS (la oficina de correo).
- No use cinta adhesiva para sellar su sobre o su boleta será rechazada.
Solicite su boleta por correo
Los votantes registrados que aún no hayan presentado solicitudes de boleta de voto ausente deben presentar una solicitud de inmediato o considerar la votación anticipada para evitar posibles retrasos en el procesamiento.
Se recomienda a los residentes de la ciudad de Chicago o de los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, y Will que presenten solicitudes en línea (utilizando estos enlaces).
¿Necesita ayuda para encontrar su condado de residencia? Visite el sitio web de la Junta Electoral del Estado de Illinois.
Solicitud de boleta por correo y estado de la boleta Nivel de riesgo: Ninguno
- Las nuevas solicitudes se procesarán y enviarán dentro de los 2 días entre semana a su recepción en la oficina electoral.
- Los residentes de Chicago y muchos otros pueden verificar el estado de su boleta en línea (los enlaces se pueden encontrar haciendo clic en su jurisdicción a continuación).
- Los votantes que aún no hayan solicitado una boleta por correo deben considerar la votación anticipada.
Opción 2: Ha comenzado la temporada de votaciones anticipadas. La votación anticipada ampliada está ahora en vigor en todo el estado. La votación anticipada es significativamente menos riesgosa que la votación el día de las elecciones, pero es posible que tenga que hacer cola o regresar otro día. Espere largas filas.
Si recibió una boleta por correo pero prefiere votar en persona, llévela consigo y entregela antes de votar.
Nivel de riesgo de votación anticipada: medio
- La votación anticipada ampliada está ahora en vigor en todo el estado.
- Los votantes que necesiten ayuda deben llamar con anticipación y hacer arreglos para votar en la acera, etc.
- Si recibió una boleta por correo pero prefiere votar en persona, llévela a su sitio de votacion para que puedan anularla adecuadamente.
Opción 3: Vaya a las urnas el día de las elecciones. Ya sea que sea un profesional antiguo o un votante por primera vez, probablemente sepa que puede votar en persona el día de las elecciones, el 3 de noviembre. Incluso puede saber que este año Illinois ha hecho del Día de las Elecciones un feriado, lo que debería facilitarlo aún más. Por otra parte, esto es 2020, cualquier cosa podría suceder entre ahora y entonces, y ¿realmente quieres arriesgarte a largas filas en medio de una pandemia?
Si tiene algún problema mientras vota y necesita ayuda, llame al 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683).
Nivel de riesgo de votación el día de las elecciones: medio
- Dia Feriado estatal.
- Último día para votar.
- Posibles largas colas.
- ¡Devuelva su boleta por correo hoy! Déjelo en la oficina electoral o con matasellos y envíelo a través de USPS (oficina de correo) donde esté permitido.
- Si recibió una boleta por correo pero prefiere votar en persona, llévela a las urnas para que puedan anularla adecuadamente.
- Si perdió su boleta por correo, vote en persona. Si es necesario, solicite una boleta provisional.
Comprenda su votación
Descubra lo que hay en su votación: BallotReady
Aprenda más sobre la enmienda propuesta a la Constitución de 1970 de Illinois: Votar Sí Por Justica
Guías judiciales para votar: Vote For Judges, Injustice Watch
Guías estatales para votar (solo inglés): Chicago Sun Times, Girl, I Guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Gun Violence Prevention Political Action Committee, Equality Illinois, Sierra Club, Chicago Federation of Labor
Información para votantes de Chicago y condados circundantes
Select your jurisdiction below for specific instructions.
Progress Explanation (these benchmarks will change as we get closer to election day):
😎 More than 18% of registered voters have already voted or more than 25% have requested mail-in ballots
Solicite su boleta: SOLICITE AHORA EN LÍNEA | Aplicación de impresión | Estado de la boleta
Emitir su boleta: buzon de entrega de boletas, sitios de votación anticipada
Hechos importantes:
- Las boletas electorales por correo se pueden devolver directamente a la oficina electoral de Chicago en 69 W. Washington, Sixth Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60602. El número de teléfono es (312) 269-7900.
Más información: Sitio web de la autoridad electoral (multilingüe)
Solicite su boleta: SOLICITE AHORA EN LÍNEA | Aplicación de impresión | Estado de la boleta
Emitir su voto: los buzones de entrega, primeros Centros de Votación, los tiempos de espera Votación Temprana
Hechos importantes:
- Un votante puede enviar un correo electrónico al Secretario del Condado de Cook a [email protected] o llamar al 312.603.0946 si el votante no recibe una boleta oficial o si tiene preguntas.
- Un votante puede confirmar la recepción de su boleta oficial por parte del Secretario del Condado de Cook usando la opción “Cuál es el estado de mi boleta por correo” de la Herramienta de información para votantes o llamar al 312.603.0946.
- Las boletas electorales por correo se pueden devolver a la oficina electoral del condado de Cook en 69 W. Washington Street, Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60602.
Más información: Sitio web de la autoridad electoral (multilingüe)
Request Your Ballot: APPLY NOW ONLINE | Ballot Status
Cast Your Ballot: Early Voting & Drop Box Sites
Let’s Do This Together: Commit to Vote | Indivisible DuPage | Indivisible Glen Ellyn | Indivisible Elk Grove Village | Indivisible Aurora | Indivisible Naperville | Indivisible Illinois 14 | Indivisible NWSOFA (Northwest Suburbs Organizing For Action)
Important Facts:
- Due to COVID-19, all 2020 General Election voters are encouraged to cast a ballot prior to Election Day, either by mail or during early voting. Voting by mail is an easy option for voters and you can request a vote by mail ballot through email, mail, or in person.
- A Vote By Mail Ballot Application has been sent to all active registered voters in DuPage County.
- You can track the status of your ballot via BallotTrax.
- Two drop boxes have been securely installed at the DuPage County complex in Wheaton (421 N County Farm Rd) — one in the parking lot and one inside. Additionally, nearly 300 drop boxes have been placed at all early voting locations and Election Day polling places in DuPage county.
- The DuPage County phone number is: (English) 630-407-5600 (Spanish) 630-407-5608.
Help Needed: Judge of Election (paid position) | Election Worker (paid positions)
Learn More: Election Authority Website (English and limited Spanish)
Request Your Ballot: APPLY NOW ONLINE | Print Application (English) | Print Application (Spanish) | Ballot Status
Cast Your Ballot: Drop Boxes, Early Voting Sites
Let’s Do This Together: Commit to Vote | Indivisible Kane County | I Indivisible Fox Valley | Indivisible Aurora | Indivisible West Aurora | Indivisible Illinois 14 | Indivisible NWSOFA (Northwest Suburbs Organizing For Action)
Important Facts:
- Option 1: Request for a Vote by mail ballot Online. This option will allow the Voter to request the Vote by mail ballot without having to mail the application. The Election Department will receive the request on the same day the Voter applied.
- Option 2: Print out and complete an application to vote and then mail the completed form to Kane County Clerk, 719 S. Batavia Ave, Bldg B, Geneva, IL 60134.
- Option 3: Call the Elections Office at (630) 232-5990.
- Ballots will not be sent until Thu Sep 24 2020.
- Voters are encouraged to submit their ballots via secure drop boxes in Elgin, Geneva and Aurora.
- Mail-in ballots can be returned directly to the Kane County elections office at 719 S. Batavia Ave, Bldg. B, Geneva, IL 60134.
Help Needed: Election/Bilingual Judges (paid position) | Student Judges (paid position) | Poll Watchers
Learn More: Election Authority Website (English, Spanish, and Google translate)
Request Your Ballot: APPLY NOW ONLINE | Print Application (English only)
Cast Your Ballot: Drop Box, Early Voting Sites
Let’s Do This Together: Commit to Vote | Indivisible Aurora | Indivisible Illinois 14
Important Facts:
- Due to COVID-19, all 2020 General Election voters are encouraged to cast a ballot prior to Election Day on November 3, either by mail or during early voting. Voting by mail is an easy option for voters, and you can request a vote by mail ballot through email, mail, online, or in person.
- Option 1: Request for a Vote by mail ballot Online. This option will allow the Voter to request the Vote by mail ballot without having to mail the application. The Election Department will receive the request on the same day the Voter applied.
- Option 2: Print out and complete an application to vote and then mail the completed form to Kendall County 111 W Fox St Rm 103, Yorkville IL 60560.
- Option 3: Call the Elections Office at (630) 553-4105.
- For voters who return their applications early, ballots will be mailed out starting on September 24, 2020, and the voter should receive them no later than October 5, 2020.
- If you do not receive your ballot or have questions, you may contact our office at (630) 553-4104 or by email at [email protected]
- The ballot needs to be postmarked by election day and must be in our office within two weeks after the election.
- Mail-in ballots can be returned directly to the Kendall County elections office.
Help Needed: Election Judges and Student Election Judges (paid positions)
Learn More: Election Authority Website (Google translate)
Request Your Ballot: APPLY NOW ONLINE | Print Application (English) | Print Application (Spanish) | Ballot Status
Cast Your Ballot: Drop Boxes, Early Voting Sites
Let’s Do This Together: Commit to Vote | North Shore Indivisible | Indivisible Illinois 14 | Indivisible NWSOFA (Northwest Suburbs Organizing For Action)
Important Facts:
- Due to COVID-19, we are encouraging all voters to vote by mail and avoid lines during early voting or on Election Day. Feel safe when voting from the comfort of your own home.
- Your voted ballot must be hand delivered to the Lake County Clerk’s office (18 N County Street Room 101, Waukegan, IL 60085) or returned to our office with a postmark no later than November 3, 2020.
- Please call 847-377-2406 or 847-377-VOTE if you have questions or didn’t receive your ballot.
- Lake county residents are encouraged to deposit vote-by-mail ballots in one of 16+ secure drop boxes across the county. Some drop boxes are physically secured, video monitored and available around the clock. Others are monitored by election judges at early voting sites. Locations and operating hours are posted on the county clerk’s website.
- You may also track your ballot by calling our office or logging in to Voter Power.
Help Needed: Election Judges and Student Election Judges (paid positions) | Deputy Registrars
Learn More: Election Authority Website (English, Spanish, and Google translate)
Request Your Ballot: APPLY NOW ONLINE | Print Application
Cast Your Ballot: Drop Boxes, Early Voting Sites
Let’s Do This Together: Commit to Vote | Indivisible NWIL Crystal Lake | Indivisible Illinois 14 | Indivisible NWSOFA (Northwest Suburbs Organizing For Action)
Important Facts:
- Due to COVID-19, all 2020 General Election voters are encouraged to cast a ballot prior to Election Day, either by mail or during early voting. Voting by mail is an easy option for voters and you can request a vote by mail ballot through email, mail, or in person.
- If you do not receive your ballot or have questions, you may contact our office at (815) 334-4242 or by email at [email protected].
- One drop box has been installed in McHenry County, at the administration building: 2200 North Seminary Ave, Woodstock, IL 60098.
- ### UPDATE: Since the initial writing of this article, we were able to make use of some of our existing equipment in a non-traditional way to accommodate the collection of vote by mail ballots. We will add drop boxes at these four early voting locations: City of McHenry, Village of Lake in the Hills, Dole Mansion, and McHenry Township building. Thanks for your feedback. ###
Help Needed: Election Judges and Student Election Judges (paid positions)
Learn More: Election Authority Website
Request Your Ballot: APPLY NOW ONLINE | Ballot Status
Cast Your Ballot: Drop Boxes, Early Voting Sites
Let’s Do This Together: Commit to Vote | Indivisible South Suburban Chicago – ISSC | Indivisible Aurora | Indivisible Naperville | Indivisible Illinois 14
Important Facts:
- Voting by mail is an option for any qualified registered voter in Will County to cast their ballot prior to Election Day.
- Mail-in ballots can be returned directly to the Will County elections office at 302 North Chicago St, Joliet, Illinois 60432. The phone number is (815) 740-4615.
Help Needed: Election Judges and Student Election Judges (paid positions)
Learn More: Election Authority Website
Preguntas Frequentes
Encuentre las respuestas a preguntas frequentes en cualquiera de las categorias siguientes:
Am I eligible to vote by mail?
All registered Illinois voters are eligible to vote by mail. Double check your voter registration online with the State Board of Elections.
Will a ballot automatically be mailed to me?
No. You need to apply to vote by mail. You can apply for a ballot directly from your election authority:
Can I apply online?
Online Applications are encouraged for residents in the Cities of Chicago, Bloomington, Galesburg, and Rockford or the Counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, Will, Edgar, Grundy, Kankakee, Livingston, Logan, Macoupin, Madison, Mason, McDonough, McLean, Moultrie, Peoria, Putnam, Sangamon, Shelby, St Clair, Tazewell, Union, Whiteside, Winnebago, and Woodford.
Is an absentee ballot different from vote by mail?
No, absentee and mail-in ballots are the same in Illinois. Only active duty military and their families need to fill out a separate ballot application.
Do I have to show up in person somewhere before I’m allowed to vote by mail?
Will I receive my ballot in time?
Apply for your ballot now to make sure it has enough time to arrive in the mail.
For voters who return their applications early, ballots will be mailed out starting on September 24, 2020, and the voter should receive them no later than October 5, 2020.
For applications received after voting by mail has started on September 24, 2020, the ballots will typically be mailed within two business days after the clerk’s office receives the application.
How early am I allowed to send my completed ballot back?
You may mail your completed ballot back any time after you have filled it out and signed it. Return your ballot as early as possible. If you are going to send your ballot via USPS, do it before October 20, to ensure plenty of time for delivery and processing.
Do I have to pay the postage to return my ballot?
Many jurisdictions provide secure designated drop boxes or allow ballots to be returned in person to the election office. If you return your ballot this way, no postage is required.
Some jurisdictions also provide for prepaid postage or direct USPS to return them regardless of postage. Please confirm this with your local election authority.
Adding additional postage will have no impact on delivery.
Can somebody else return my completed ballot to a dropbox or election authority on my behalf?
A voter may authorize any person to return their ballot to the election authority, as long as the voter has signed the affidavit on the ballot envelope affirming that authorization was given to deliver the ballot.
Do I receive a confirmation after election officials get my ballot? How do I know it went where it needed to go?
Some jurisdictions offer website tracking or send email confirmations when ballots are returned. Check with your election authority.
Check if your election authority has a dropbox, which allows you to hand deliver your ballot and receive confirmation immediately.
If I request a mail-in ballot, can I still vote in person on Election Day?
If you change your mind and want to vote in person, bring your incomplete ballot to your polling place and give it to the Election Judge. You can then vote on a regular ballot.
If you lost your mail ballot or never received it, contact your election authority to report it right away. If necessary, cast a provisional ballot at your regular polling location on election day.
Is our mail system secure? Will USPS be able to handle all of the mail in ballots?
To accommodate mailing times, make a plan, request your ballot early, and return your ballot at least 2 weeks before the election.
Check if your election authority has a dropbox, which is a secure place to return your ballot without putting it in the mail.
Is my vote really being counted if I vote by mail?
Yes. Returning your ballot early is helpful because it gives election authorities time to process ballots and resolve any problems that would prevent your vote from being counted. By law election authorities must begin signature verification within 2 days of receipt.
Absentee ballots cannot legally be counted until after 7pm on Election Day. However, highly populated jurisdictions like Chicago and Cook County have counting machines and should be able to count all processed ballots relatively quickly.
If you are concerned about your ballot being counted, return your ballot 2 weeks before Election Day.
How are votes counted and tabulated?
There are some small jurisdictions without scanning machines that do not use the process described below, but for the rest data is ultimately collected and stored on a memory chip in a scanner regardless of the specific voting method. As such, the voting method is far less important than making sure the ballot is filled out correctly and submitted in a timely fashion.
Most election day voters will cast their votes on a paper ballot, which is then fed into a scanner, or will input their data directly into touch-screen ballot marking devices, which create paper ballots that are immediately scanned. In highly populated areas, like Chicago and Cook County, all early voting is done via these touch-screen devices. Most mail-in ballots are also fed into a scanner after they have been received and verified. With the new equipment in Chicago and Cook County, not only is a running total accumulated, but a data record about each ballot is created, and it includes a picture of the ballot.
Specific Scenarios:
Early Voting: Monday night after early voting ends, the scanners and the ballots are taken to the vote counting center. The ballots are stored securely. On Tuesday, the chips are extracted from all of the scanners and one at a time are inserted into a computer to read and accumulate the totals from each early voting site.
Mail-in Ballots: As mail-in ballots continue to be returned, they are verified by three election judges, and then scanned using a scanner at the vote counting center. That process continues, with the mail-in ballot data accumulating on the memory chip in the scanner, until polls close on election night.
Election Day: For votes cast on election day, the scanners in each polling place output paper totals for every race once the polls have closed. These are the preliminary totals that election judges must sign off on and report back to the election office. In some jurisdictions, the election day scanners can be connected via a cellular connection to send a one-way, handshake-encrypted transmission for the sole purpose of providing preliminary results as quickly as possible on election night. There is no Internet connectivity on either end.
The net result is that the unofficial election day totals, early vote totals, and all mail-in vote totals (that have been received and processed by election day) will be tabulated and reported on election night in most parts of the state. Official vote totals, mail-in ballots received/processed after election day, and provisional ballots will be processed over the next several days as needed until the winners can be determined.
So, it really doesn’t matter whether you vote in-person on election day, early vote, or mail-in your vote. The key is to make sure your vote is returned prior to election day and thereby reduce the number of outstanding votes that may delay the final outcome determination.
Does voting by mail increase vote fraud?
No. In a recent report titled “The False Narrative of Vote-by-Mail Fraud,” the well-respected Brennan Center for Justice rebutted claims that mail voting is subject to abuse. “Despite [the] dramatic increase in mail voting over time, fraud rates remain infinitesimally small. None of the five states that hold their elections primarily by mail has had any voter fraud scandals since making that change.” The New York Times editorial board said “states that use vote-by-mail have encountered essentially zero fraud.”
The Brennan Center report suggested seven tools to guard against mail vote fraud. Illinois already utilizes several of those tools including verifying the voter’s signatures, bar-coding ballots, tracing mail ballots through email, and harsh penalties for vote fraud. Several others can and should be adopted.
Virtually all the opposition to increased mail voting comes from the right-wing Heritage Foundation and President Trump. FactCheck.org looked at Trump’s claims and found them false:
“There is no evidence to back up Trump’s blanket claim that ‘mailed ballots are corrupt.’ Voting experts say the president is exaggerating when he says mail ballots are ‘fraudulent in many cases.’”
The Heritage Foundation’s database shows 16 convictions for mail ballot fraud in Illinois over a 14-year period, an average of about one per year.
I confirmed my voter registration and applied to vote by mail. What else can I do?
Encourage your friends and family to check their registration, apply to vote by mail, and have a plan to vote early. Use the Indivisible Resources page and social media toolkit for ideas on how to spread the word.
Select your jurisdiction to explore paid jobs on election day or volunteer opportunities in your local community:
Join your local Indivisible chapter to advocate for local issues.
Sign up with the Illinois Indivisible Vote By Mail Task Force to phone bank, lobby, write letters to the editor and advocate with Indivisible IL in support of expanding access to voting during the COVID19 outbreak and educating voters about newly passed legislation.
Join ILVOTE to become deputy voter registrars through your election authority, increase voter awareness and promote voter turnout for every election at the federal, state and local levels.
Check out our Community Art Project to spread the word about Voting by Mail.